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Micah Avery

Micah Avery

The Diamond Spring Youth All-American Games will kickoff Memorial Day Weekend at the Virginia Beach Sportsplex. Participants from grades 3rd through 8th will gather from all parts of the country in one the most talented youth football all-star contests.

Perhaps no athlete will travel further than California fourth grader Micah Avery who will suit up for the 4th grade red team. The opportunity to showcase his talent against some of the top youth players in the country was something that was not lost on Micah. But as his father notes, the cross-country trip to Virginia is much more about the chance to celebrate Micah as a honor student in addition to his playmaking ability on the gridiron.

“He gets very good grades. That’s why we don’t mind making sacrifices to take him on trips like this. He’s a good student who tries hard and really wants to please his teachers. I have never had any problems with Micah in regards to his studies of behavior,”

Avery will look to stay at his natural running back position during the all-star competition, but is just willing to do whatever to stay on the field. After the contest he’ll get ready for a new team, the Clayton Valley Eagles Jr. Peewee squad when he returns to the west coast. This past season, Avery was a member of the San Ramon T-Birds in San Ramon, CA rushing for over 1, 2000 yards.

“He is strong and things come {right now} fairly easy {for Micah}. He’s a natural athlete, the youngest of three brothers and he runs track,” his father noting that Michah’s athletic ability likely comes from his mother’s side of the family.

{Micah} is a little bigger, stronger and faster than last season. His understanding of the game is better and his love for the game has increased,” his father said. “Micah has tasted some small amount of success and that makes him want to be better.”

Don’t miss Avery and the rest of the Fourth Grade Red Team at the Diamond Spring All-American game! -Jamaar Hawkins