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Andrew Berube

Andrew Berube

Andrew Berube is no stranger to the Diamond Sports staff. The Bow Creek (NH) native has participated in three Diamond-related events since last year, most recently the Diamond Spring All-American game in Virginia Beach, VA.  The 6-foot-3, 250 pound class of 2020 prospect was team captain for both the Virginia Beach game and Myrtle Beach games. Following the Memorial Day weekend contest, Berube was selected to next December’s Diamond All-American game back in Myrtle Beach.

“Andrew has had a really good experience with Diamond. He’s enjoyed the coaches and the team they put together. I have liked the experience too,” Andrew’s father, Don Berube said.

Andrew played on a Bow Youth Football team that rolled through the season with 10-0 record, giving up an average of 2.8 points per game, outscoring opponents by an average of 35 points.  He was named Lineman of the Year” on four occasions. 

The 8th grader is also a superb student, finishing the third quarter with a 94 average. During the football offseason, Berube participates in basketball, lacrosse, soccer and wrestling. Next year, Berube will attend Bow Hill School, but as his father notes, the lineman has already began the process of transitioning to facing bigger athletes in high school, taking part in preseason conditioning with the team.  The school, which is coming up on its 20th year of existence, has already won over 25 New Hampshire state titles.  Bow Hill opens the season on Saturday, September 3 at Pembroke High School.

“He goes to high school lifting three days a week. He also goes to a local gym and attends optional conditioning with the high school coaches. {Andrew} just wants to get accepted to a great college, to get a good education, play football and be the best he can be. If that could lead to the NFL, bonus,” noted his father.

Berube is even more excited about suiting in another Diamond All-American in December.  The experience is also one of grandiose for the entire Berube family.

“Diamond, which a pretty new organization, seems to be working hard to make their games better every time,” Berube said.

Jamar Hawkins